1. Who are we and why this privacy statement?

This is the privacy statement of KCI the engineers (KCI), registered at Schiedam, De Brauwweg 62, 3125 AE Schiedam.

KCI ensures that it processes personal data in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations (including the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679). Through this privacy statement KCI would like to inform you about, amongst other things, the personal data KCI processes, the purpose of these processings, with whom KCI your personal data shares and what your data subject rights are.

2. What personal data is collected and for what reasons do we process your personal data?

a. To answer your questions and exchange information.
We process your personal data if you send us queries via e-mail, if you call us or if you fill in our contact form.

For this purpose, we may process the following personal data:

  • Name / Surname
  • Company name
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Country

The legal basis to process your personal data in this regard is:

  • Art. 6(1)(a) – Your consent
  • Art. 6(1)(f) – The legitimate interest of KCI to inform you about projects, products and/or services.

b. To process your job application
We process your personal data in order to respond to your job application.

For this purpose, we may process the following personal data: 

  • Name / Surname
  • Email address 
  • Telephone number
  • Home address
  • City of residence
  • Province
  • Motivation letter
  • Resume

The legal basis to process your personal data in this regard is:

  • Art. 6(1)(a) – Your consent.

c. For the technical and functional management of the website

We process personal data for the technical and functional management of our website and to ensure that the website provides you an optimum user experience.

For this purpose, we may process the following personal data: 

  • IP address
  • Information about your activities on our website (for example aggregated data on the visited KCI websites)
  • Your preferred language

We process this (personal)data by using cookies. Consult the cookie banner for more details.

The legal basis to process your personal data in this regard is:

  • Art. 6(1)(a) – Your consent
  • Art. 6(1)(f) – The legitimate interest of KCI to improve its website and protect it against cyberattacks or other wrongful acts.

3. With whom do we share your personal data?

We will not share your personal data with third parties unless this is necessary for the service for example, website hosting or if the law or a legal stipulation obliges us to do so. In the event KCI needs to share personal data with a third party, KCI shall ensure, in accordance with the law and legislation, that the required data processor agreements are in place which guarantee the security of your personal data.

KCI will only process your personal data within the Economic European Area (EEA).

4. How is your personal data protected?

To protect your personal data against (accidental) destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access granted, KCI has implemented all the necessary technical and organisational security measures. When required, KCI concludes data processing agreements with third parties who process personal data on our behalf.

5. How long is your personal data stored for the purposes?

Personal data shall be destroyed the moment that the retention of personal data is no longer required for the purpose it was collected. For purposes regarding to the technical and functional management of the website, the data shall be retained for no longer than 24 months after the visit to the website, unless specific conditions warrant a longer retention period. The IP-address is stored for 60 days. 

6. How can you contact us to exercise your rights?

You have the right to examine the personal data KCI holds about you without any additional charges. In addition, following the GDPR, you have the right to correct, supplement, delete and limit the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to transfer your personal data and the right to object to data processing.

If we process personal data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You may withdraw your consent for the use of personal data by informing us via HR@KCI.nl.

Questions, comments or any other queries about the KCI policy in regard to personal data can be sent to HR@KCI.nl.

In the event of complaints regarding unlawful processing of personal data, you can contact the supervisory authority, which is the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Postbus 93374, 2509 AJ The Hague).

7. Amendments to the Privacy Statement

This privacy statement may be altered over time. Any future amendments regarding the way we process and protect personal data will be published via this privacy statement on our website.

To ensure you are aware of the changes, we request that you regularly check the privacy statement.

This privacy statement has been updated on: June 2024.